Monday, September 24, 2018

Justice For Children Internship SERVICE LO4

September 24, 2018: 4 Hours:

Today I helped Tracy, a child advocate for Justice For Children, by reviewing a compilation of therapist's notes, and documenting what excerpts could be used as evidence in a letter to the judge. The therapist's evaluations were in regards to disclosures made by two young sisters who are being sexually and physically abused by their father and step-brother. Although the therapist had previously contacted Child Protective Services (as she is legally obligated), the case remains open, and the girls continue to visit their father's house regularly. By reading over the notes of the therapist, it was evident that she deeply cares about both the girl's physical and mental well-being. She had the girls draw several pictures to explain their emotions, and took the time to hand document everything that occurred each time she meet with the girls. I feel that therapists and other social workers are not often given the credit which they deserve, and I can only imagine that working as a therapist takes great patience, care, and compassion. The notes that this therapist took will hopefully allow Justice For Children to work towards suspending the fathers visitation rights. For this entry, I feel that I have fulfilled the service aspect of CAS and the following learning outcome: Shown commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences, as I am consistently showing up to intern with Justice For Children every Monday from 12:30pm-4:30pm.

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