Monday, October 1, 2018

Justice For Children Internship SERVICE LO4

1 October 2018: 2.5 Hours

Today I continued to review documentation for the case I worked on last week. This time, I examined the witness statements and other exhibits used in one of the contact's past court cases. This was interesting, I was given the opportunity to have insight into the opinions and memories of a variety of people involved. It is similar to reading a novel and having the many detailed aspects of the plot slowly fall into place. After spending so much time familiarizing myself with this case, I feel more connected to it, and I become more determined to do everything I can to improve the current situations of the young girls being abused. I have not finished looking at all of the documentation for this case file, so I plan to continue next week. For this entry, I feel that I have accomplished the service aspect of CAS, and the following learning outcome: Shown commitment to and perseverance to CAS experiences.

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