Monday, October 22, 2018

Justice For Children Internship SERVICE LO6

October 22, 2018:  2 Hours

Today at my internship with Justice For Children, I was given a new case file to review on behalf of  Tracey (one of the advocates). This case file focused on a thirteen year old female being neglected by her mother (who holds primary custody). The girl is not receiving food or money to purchase lunch during the school day. Additionally, her mother is not referring the child to therapy, and is not providing proper access to medical examinations (which were both ordered by court). This could be endangering to the child as she had been diagnosed with a bold condition called anemia, and this should require treatment to prevent weariness. When at her mother's house, the girl has been whipped with a belt and is left in her mother's apartment alone on the weekends for long periods of time. Also, she endures the trauma of watching her mother and mother's boyfriend act violently towards each other when they argue. As a consequence, the girl is experiencing depression, which has caused her engage in self harm. In terms of my personal reflections, I feel that the girl's age and situation puts her in a uniquely vulnerable state. This is because most people begin to develop a more complex identity, as well as many strong opinions about the world when they are around the age of thirteen. Due to this, it is definitely possible that the abuse she has experienced could end up effecting her mental soundness in the long term. I am hopeful that the notes which I am taking will result in Justice For Children sending a letter to the judge and the attorney involved (as the girl's father is currently attempting to obtain primary custody). I believe that I have fulfilled the service aspect of CAS and the following learning outcome: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

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