Monday, September 24, 2018

Justice For Children Internship SERVICE LO4

September 24, 2018: 4 Hours:

Today I helped Tracy, a child advocate for Justice For Children, by reviewing a compilation of therapist's notes, and documenting what excerpts could be used as evidence in a letter to the judge. The therapist's evaluations were in regards to disclosures made by two young sisters who are being sexually and physically abused by their father and step-brother. Although the therapist had previously contacted Child Protective Services (as she is legally obligated), the case remains open, and the girls continue to visit their father's house regularly. By reading over the notes of the therapist, it was evident that she deeply cares about both the girl's physical and mental well-being. She had the girls draw several pictures to explain their emotions, and took the time to hand document everything that occurred each time she meet with the girls. I feel that therapists and other social workers are not often given the credit which they deserve, and I can only imagine that working as a therapist takes great patience, care, and compassion. The notes that this therapist took will hopefully allow Justice For Children to work towards suspending the fathers visitation rights. For this entry, I feel that I have fulfilled the service aspect of CAS and the following learning outcome: Shown commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences, as I am consistently showing up to intern with Justice For Children every Monday from 12:30pm-4:30pm.

Friday, September 21, 2018


September 21, 2018: 10 Hours
Over the course of the past two weeks, I have worked collaboratively with Morgann, Cassandra, Carly, and North to develop a detailed and well researched J-Term proposal for a trip to London, England. We have worked creatively to compile a list of meaningful and educational locations to visit, and have worked hard to piece together a list of learning objectives, a solid itinerary, and an efficient budget. We deeply hope that the thoroughness of our proposal and potential for students to become more historically, politically, geographically, and culturally aware will allow for our J-Term to be approved. After working with such a passionate and creative group of people, planning the logistics of this trip has truly been such an educational, exiting, and fulfilling experience. Additionally, living in London for a year and a half has allowed me to grow so much as a person, and it is my goal to allow for others to have the same (accelerated) experience through this possible J-Term. For this entry I believe that I have fulfilled the creativity aspect of CAS, and the following learning objective: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Justice For Children Internship SERVICE LO1

September 17, 2018: 4 Hours 
Today I completed my notes for the case file I began reviewing last week, and I was able to identify contacts who could possibly provide statements to be used as creditable documentation in a letter to the judge. After interning for Justice for Children for a few months, I have learned that obtaining statements from a variety of different sources is crucial. This is because most judges will not acknowledge the statements of a single party to be valid without further documentation or other statements back them up. After reading through many court hearing documents and taking notes, I have also suggested that JFC request statements from the child's current therapist, the social worker for who interviewed the child, and the law enforcement officers who initiated interviews on the child, the contact, and the alleged perpetrator. After finishing the notes, I helped the COO of Justice For Children, Lisa Mikosh, by formatting a revised version of the intake form so that it can be posted on the website and filled out by those in need. This was a challenge for me as I was required to spend time learning and some of the more hidden functions of Microsoft word. Until today, I had no idea how to insert fillable check-boxes and other small features into a word document. Overall, today was a productive day, and I feel that I was able to effectively help JFC, and I developed a new skill. For this entry, I have fulfilled the Service aspect of CAS, and I have achieved the following learning outcome: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process. 

Justice For Children Internship SERVICE LO7

September 12, 2018: 1 Hour 
Today I started to review and take notes regarding the documentation attached with an intake form for a sexual abuse case. I began with reading the notes that Angela (a child advocate) had taken from a phone call, and I searched a few court hearing forms for references to possibly useful documentation. By getting the opportunity to review case files, I feel that my strong attentiveness to detail is being well utilized, and although I have lead a privileged life, I am able to use the provided information to imagine a child's situation, and empathize enough with them to know that they should be entitled to my effort and help. For this entry I believe that I have fulfilled the Service aspect of CAS and have achieved the following learning outcome: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions. 

Justice For Children Internship SERVICE LO6

September 5, 2018: 1 Hour
Today I assisted Angela, a child advocate for Justice For Children by listening to one of her intake calls, and taking notes on her behalf. Over the phone, the contact expressed that her grandsons have been tased and held at gunpoint by their mother. My hand was shacking while taking notes during this call, and I franticly began to think through possible solutions. Considering the utter direness of the case, I found it surprising that none of the grandmother's actions have led to an effective result. Despite the grandmother's several attempts to reach out for help through several outlets including Child Protective Services and Law Enforcement, the mother still holds primary custody, and the grandmother's documentation and statements have been discredited as she is a third party. I am hopeful that we will be able to obtain a more complete and detailed version of her story, so that we can figure out why she has run into so many roadblocks. The next step will be finding a pro bono attorney willing to represent the grandmother, and a possible homeless shelter which the boys can resort to for now. For this entry I believe that I have fulfilled the Service aspect of CAS, and I have achieved the following learning outcome: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.