Thursday, December 12, 2019

NHS Interfaith Ministries Event SERVICE LO6

December 12, 2019

Today I assisted a non-profit organization called Chore Chops, which is an extension of interfaith ministries, and assisted two elderly people with household and outdoors work which they would have been unable to complete on their own. This activity was a service event which was organized for National Honor Society, and I worked with a group of other students to rake the leaves in one Houston residents's front lawn, and to organize the kitchen of another residents home. This experience taught me about the struggles which people face on an everyday basis, which often escape my mind, and it was emotionally difficult to imagine what it would be like to experience poverty in similar ways as the people we experienced. Additionally, this taught me the impact which can be made when people take a limited amount of time out of their days to assist others who are in need of both help and empathy. This event fulfilled the service aspect of CAS and the following learning outcomes: Recognize and consider the ethics behind choices and actions, and Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.  

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