Thursday, December 20, 2018

Justice For Children Internship SERVICE LO6

December 2018: 7 Hours

On December 3rd and 10th 2018 I attended my internship with Justice For Children. I am currently reviewing a case where the alleged perpetrator has committed many crimes including physical and emotional child abuse. However, the local police department had remained unresponsive to the contact's attempts for an investigation to be conducted. In my opinion, this is either occurring because the police department is unfamiliar with how to handle a case on such a large magnitude, or due to the department's biases regarding the mother of the contact (who has denounced the police department through Facebook). Overall, the direness of this case is unquestionable, as there is evidence for the alleged perpetrator being responsible for: child abuse; obtaining steroids illegally; local organized crime; theft; domestic violence; death threats; the possession of firearm (which is illegal as the individual has past convictions); and the violation of a protection order (which is meant to keep the individual distant from the children). After reading documentation which supports the fact that the contact, the children, and other members of their city may be in danger due to the individuals past actions and current mental instability, the work that JFC seems more important and necessary. A solution that I came up with and suggested to the advocate handling this case was for JFC to collaborate with Texas Rangers Law Enforcement, so that the local police department could be pressured into opening an investigation. This case had taught me about how ineffective and unrighteous some police departments can behave, and I believe that the particular police department in this case should be held accountable in some way. I have fulfilled the service aspect of CAS and the following learning outcome: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance. (Below is a photograph of me and two of the other advocates).

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