Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Photography at the HMNS ACTION LO1

29 April 2019: 1.5 Hours

Today we spent time at the Houston Museum of Natural Sciences taking professional-style pictures alongside the museum's photographer for advertising purposes. This was an interesting experience as we learned about how to stage pictures of people in motion in a way that makes the attractions of the museum pop out more. Additionally, we experimented with the shutter-speed settings on the camera to capture images of people jumping, and butterflies in motion. We also learned about using lighting effectively to highlight certain areas of a person's face, or create the illusion of silhouettes. Overall, this was a great experience as we got to enjoy what the museum has to offer and take pictures for the benefit of the museum at the same time. This fulfills the action aspect of CAS, as we were active by walking across different areas of the museum while carrying photography equipment and lights. Also, this experience fulfills the following learning outcomes: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth, as we uses our prior knowledge of photography, but also followed the advice of photographers from the HMNS.

Monday, April 15, 2019

ISAS Arts Festival ACTION LO1

15 April 2019: 25 Hours

Last week I spent three days with some other students and teachers from my high school to attend the ISAS arts festival in Austin, Texas. We spent each day presenting various forms of art, and receiving critiques from experts who told us what we were doing well, as well as what we should improve. While attending the festival, I participated in the 2D art category, and the photography category; so prior to our departure date, I spent time preparing, framing, and labeling pieces of art. Additionally, I attended many workshops at the festival, where my friends and I got the opportunity to learn so many new skills including stage combat, ceramics, and watercolor painting. Further, we explored the festival, and watched the performances and critiques for other schools. This was a meaningful experience as I witnessed learned about forms of art which I have little experience with; such as rock music, the marimba, and theater. Also, I was able to deepen my previously established skills in relation to painting techniques, and the composition of photos. Overall, this event fulfills the action aspect of CAS, as we spent the entire time walking through the festival to participate in events, and it relates to the following learning outcome: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth, as the  art critiques helped us to think through the creative process, our personal styles, and how to highlight them more prominently.